Agile Financial Services: Advisory anywhere with any means of communication
Author: René Stocker, CEO
Networking by Social Graph 2.0: available on Liferay Marketplace
Social Graph 2.0 – developed by Enterprise Know How AG – provides an overview of your multidimensional business network. Recognize relationships and benefit from instant access and direct interaction.
Social Graph 2.0 is supplied with many features to present a user’s multidimensional relationships to units, organizations, sites (communities) including friendships.
It also works together with Social Map 2.0 which provides geographical allocation.
The app is available on Liferay Marketplace. Liferay, Gartner’s leading portal system, 7th year in row.
We are open for API level integration with other portals, CMS, CRM (e.g. SharePoint®, Adobe, Salesforce). Please contact us and send a mail to
- Liferay Marketplace, Social Graph 2.0:
- Enterprise Know How on the web:
- Article “The Journey for Digital Private Banking”:
- Use Case Interactive Investment Process (PDF):
Tags: Collaboration, DigitalBanking, esn, Finance